Sunday, May 20, 2012

Top 4 movies to see ATM

Like many persons this movie is just a must see for me.
Battleship, one because I absolutely positively love action movies (I use to be one who love "chick-flicks" but not anymore, action movies are my favorite). And two because my girl crush Rihanna is in this movie :D.
If you've seen the trailer then my wanting to see this movie should go unquestioned.
Its Johnny Depp man! LOL that and the fact it looks freaking hilarious.

These are my top four must see movies at the moment! Can't wait to see them! :D

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Life: Dinner

Trying out red lips, not too sure how it worked out
Maxi Dress from Forever 21 (dinner outfit)

Hair 101

So I haven't really posted here in a while and I've been wondering what I should post about. So I've decided to  do my first in a series of posts all about repairing and taking care of my hair.

If you're any thing like me you have horribly damaged hair. (Quick History: My hair is chemically straightened its been five years. Before I chemically straightened my hair I had shoulder length long wavy/ curly hair (I'm a mix of east-Indian and African). When I chemically straightened my hair I did not take good care of it and now I have lots of breakage.) 

I've researched a bunch of products and have developed a hair care regiment. Over the next couple of weeks I'll explain my hair care regiments and how they work for me. Stay tuned. 
